It is important that every adult should have a Power of Attorney. More people need a Power of Attorney these days.
It is a legal document which appoints someone you trust to act for you if you become unable to make decisions or manage your affairs – both financial & property and health & welfare. Without a Power of Attorney your family might need to go to Court – this can cause lots of delay, hassle and expense. With this in mind Ayrshire Cancer Support has partnered with McClure Solicitors to offer its supporters a half price Power of Attorney service.
Why should I do it now?
If you leave it until you need it, it will be too late.
Why should I use McClure?
There are four good reasons:
Why do they do it?
Using the services of McClure Solicitors means that come what may, you will have your affairs in order.
Ayrshire Cancer Support would like to encourage all its supporters who don’t already have a Power of Attorney to take up this very generous offer. In doing so, you can protect your and your family’s future.